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 We turn clicks 
 into results. 

Increase Business Opportunitiesand Boost Your Digital Presence

Maximize revenue and visibility through sponsored ads on major platforms: Google, Meta, and LinkedIn.

Reach your audience

More qualified leads

Reduced sales cycle

Increased conversions

Performance data for each campaign

How it works


We map your brand’s ad objectives and identify your ICP.



We build your personalized paid traffic strategy, optimizing key metrics like CPL, CAC, and ROI.



Get campaigns that convert and amplify your business opportunities.

What You Receive


Implementation of paid and organic traffic strategies to increase visibility and revenue.


Development of branding and relevant content to establish brand authority and improve recognition.


Utilization of a team of specialists to execute projects.


Well-defined processes and transparent communication to ensure timely deliveries aligned with the company’s vision.


Data analysis and strategies to improve metrics and results for you.

Level Up Your Digital Game

Start where you are and rise to solid and steady sales.


No Digital Presence - Your business is missing Google My Business, a website, or social media.

We set up your online presence and lay a solid foundation for growth.


Basic Online Presence - Your business has Google My Business and a starter website or social media profile.

We grow your digital presence on the right channels for your audience with traffic and content.


Active on Digital Channels - Your business has a website, social media, and Google My Business, but needs stronger positioning.

We optimize your traffic and content strategy to boost results and solidify your presence.


Consistency on Digital Channels - Your business is well-positioned, but your digital channels aren't consistent sales drivers yet.

We implement ad strategies to turn your digital channels into demand generators.


Solidity and Sales - Your business is solidly positioned and now uses digital channels to drive sales.

We run optimized campaigns with data intelligence and performance analysis reports.

Find out how republika can take your
business to the next level.

Success Stories

We grow businesses with our digital marketing strategies.

What our customers say

Very attentive staff! Meetings every month to update campaigns and create strategies to increase conversions. Dashboard with dynamic presentation and very easy to understand, with previous history and metrics to facilitate some decision making.

Mercadão Suplementos

I would like to thank the professionals at republika MKT for their excellent service during the contract period. The work was carried out with quality and professionalism, obtaining returns and good sales for Forbio Engenharia.

Forbio Engenharia

I would like to congratulate you on the results we are having in our project! All the professionalism, knowledge and approach to the area are great differentiators of republika! Dealing with paid traffic is complex and can only produce results in the hands of experts.

The Gift

Find out how republika can take your
business to the next level.


How does the Traffic Management service work?

Traffic management serves to increase the flow of interested people who find your brand over the internet. Furthermore, a consistent strategy will help convert interested parties into business opportunities for your company.

In our monitoring, we hold weekly and monthly alignment meetings, with the aim of validating the strategy, monitoring the quality of leads and presenting results, all so that you have performance data and can make strategic decisions.

Our packages are personalized and tailored to make sense for your business to advertise, so if you want to know more, don't hesitate to talk to us!

Which platform is best for my business? Google Ads or Meta Ads?

Being on Google means being found by those who are already searching for your product/service. The Goal is the focus of the user’s attention. Social networks are for having fun, connecting, sharing. Both strategies have their place. Understand your audience and objectives, capture attention on social media and be present when your customer searches for you on Google.

Should I worry about content production?

In principle, content production is a powerful allied strategy to reinforce your brand's presence on digital platforms.
To run ads on social media, it is important to have a creative library of posts in different placements to keep your campaign running with the most optimized ads.
The traffic management service does not include the production of creatives for advertisements. But if you have this need, we have a Social Media service that can assist you through a personalized package.

How much should I invest?

The ideal is to invest what is recommended for each platform. Normally what is expected is around US$10 per product per platform. This value brings good bid elasticity and can bring an interesting flow of people to the growth of this sales channel.

How long does it take to get results?

The learning phase of campaigns usually takes around 3 months. Over this time you can have very interesting results in terms of impressions, clicks and viewing volumes. However, the significant part of incoming sales and new customers will come in the period that follows these first 3 months. Remember that traffic is much more like a marathon than a 100mile race.

Does the service include social media management?

No. The Social Media Management service is part of the Republika Social Media service.

We offer special packages for hiring additional services.

Contact us to validate the best content strategy for your company.

I don't have a website. Can I advertise even without it?

To advertise on Google you need to have a website, however for other platforms it is possible to run ads without a website.

To hire website services, contact us!

Why do Traffic Management?

Traffic management is a strategy that guarantees visibility for your business, as it allows you to impact new audiences and strengthen relationships with those who already know you. It is an important tool for expanding your market share and increasing your business revenue, having performance data on the investment made. So if you still have doubts about how traffic management can develop your business, be sure to talk to us, we are here to guide you in choosing the best path for your business to grow digitally.

Let’s Talk

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